As a Kadelex trainee, you are doing as you are learning. Furthermore, we seek to empower our alumni in the following ways

  1. Training Facilitation:

There are a lot of articles on the need to teach what you know. Some of the very relevant points raised include

  • Research has shown that when we explain something to other people, we come to understand it better ourselves. The process of teaching others helps us recognize gaps in our own understanding and better organize information in our minds.
  • You will grow an audience and be seen as an expert by teaching. Each time you’re teaching more people, and more people are discovering your expertise. This sort of exposure is especially invaluable if you work as a freelancer and want big clients to seek you out.

A qutote I’ve come to love in this regard is credited to Derek Sivers: “What’s obvious to you is amazing to others.”  Therefore, we utilizing our alumni as facilitators in our subsequent training programs. Also, an alumnus can organize trainings and we support with needed resources (Facilitators, training materials etc). Alumni are paid for facilitating in trainings and we get commision when we facilitate in their own organized trainings

2. Business Development

Skills learnt during the training include business development skills. These skills such as development of marketing plans, development of business plans, development of strategies, content development, development facilitation and so on are highly soughted for. Thus, because we believe in what we teach, and how much impact we have had on our trainees, we refer jobs where there skills are relevant to them. These jobs include business development consulting, business plan/proposal/pitchdesk development, content development and so on. When our alumni act in ths capacity, they are entitled to the payment of the job done. We only earn commision.

Also, we refer Kadelex trainee alumni to startups or other businesses requiring services of business development executives, marketers, operations managers, research and development executives and content managers.

3. Community

As a member of the Kadelex trainee alumni, you are a part of our community where you can access relevant tools and resources, share knowledge and experiences with fellow alumni and network and build great teams

How to be eligible

  1. Participate in and complete a Kadelex training program. Click the following link to register

      2. Be a Kadelex Certified Business Developer. This is automatically awarded to trainees who have completed the course requirements

      3. That is all!!!

At Kadelex, we do not only empower your ideas, we also empower you. This is because we believe you can only improve by doing and motivation comes from earning from what you know. Register today and join other kadelex trainee in our reintegration program. Click here to register

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